Steel Magnolias Play Script

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Steel Magnolias - Shelby and M'Lynn (F/F)

M'Lynn, Louisiana matron, mid-fifties

M'Lynn is excited to welcome home for the holidays her newly married daughter, Shelby.
Shelby, who is diabetic, has come to tell her family that she's expecting a baby and knows her mom is going to be upset because of the danger to her health.
At the start of the scene, M'Lynn is sitting under a dead hairdryer because the fuse has blown. Shelby enters, mystified by the lack of light and the lack of activity.

How are you, honey?

You're looking well. Is Jackson at the house?
No. You know how twitchy he gets. I sent him to look for stocking stuffers.

Uh. Jackson and I have something to tell you. We wanted to tell you when you and Daddy were together, but you're never together, so it's every man for himself. I'm pregnant.

I'm going to have a baby.
M'LYNN. I realize that.

I...what do you expect me to say?

Would it be too much to ask for a little excitement? Not too much, I wouldn't want you to break a sweat or anything.

In June. Oh, Mama. You have to help me plan. We're going to get a new house. Jackson and I are going house hunting next week. Jackson loves to hunt for anything.

Oh. He's very excited. He says he doesn't care whether it's a boy or girl...but I know he really wants a son so bad he can taste it. He's so cute about the whole thing. It's all he can talk about ... Jackson Latcherie Junior.
But does he ever listen? I mean when doctors and specialists give you advice. I know you never listen, but does he? I guess since he doesn't have to carry the baby, it doesn't really concern him.
Mama. Don't be mad. I couldn't bear it if you were. It's Christmas.
M'LYNN. I'm not mad, Shelby. This is just...hard. I thought that...I don't know.

But what about the adoption proceedings? You have filed so many applications.
Mama. It didn't take us long to see the handwriting on the wall. No judge is going to give a baby to someone with rny medical track record. Jackson even put out some feelers about buying one.

Listen to me. I want a child of my own. I think it would help things a lot.

Mama. I know. I know. Don't think I haven't thought this through. You can't live a life if all you do is worry. And you worry too much. In some ways it's a comfort to me. I never worry because I know you're worrying enough for the both of us. Jackson and I have given this a lot of thought.
Has he really? There's a first time for everything.

Shelby. Your poor body has been through so much. Why do you deliberately want to ...

You are special. There are limits to what you can do.
Mama. Listen. I have it all planned. I'm going to be very careful. And this time next year, I'm going to be bringing your big healthy grandbaby to the Christmas festival. No one is going to be hurt or disappointed, or even inconvenienced.

You are jealous because you no longer have any say-so in what I do. And that drives you up the wall. You're ready to spit nails because you can't call the shots.
I did not raise my daughter to talk to me this way.
Yes you did. Whenever any of us asked you what you wanted us to be when we grew up, what did you say?

What did you say? Just tell me what you said. Answer me.

O.K. The thing that would make me happy is to have a baby. If I could adopt one I would, but I can't. I'm going to have a baby. I wish yo,u would be happy, too.

Mama. I don't know why you have to make every­ thing so difficult. I look at having this baby as he opportunity of a lifetime. Sure, there may be some risk involved. That's true for anybody. But you get through it and life goes on. And when it's all said and done there'll be a little piece of immortality with Jackson's looks and my sense of style...I hope. Mama, please. I need your support. I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a life. time of nothing special.



Good morning.

This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of Steel Magnolias, a play Robert Harling wrote just months after his sister, Susan, died of complications from diabetes.Written as a tribute to the strength of his sister, his mother, and the coterie of women who supported them, the work broke records at the Lucille Lortel Theatre in Manhattan, where it ran almost three years. Access Free Steel Magnolias Stage Play Script appears. This revolutionary, award-winning play by a lauded playwright and poet is a fearless portrayal of the experiences of women of color—“extraordinary and wonderfulthat anyone can relate to” (The New York Times) and continues to move and resonate with readers today more than ever. Steel Magnolias Stage Play Script Author: Subject: Steel Magnolias Stage Play Script Keywords: steel, magnolias, stage, play, script Created Date: 5/17/2021 8:27:55 PM. Steel Magnolias, is a script that is centered around the relationships of six very different women. I felt I needed the extra time to tackle those relationships head on. Also the fact the script is well constructed and full of great moments led me to believe that this was a perfect play. Read Online Steel Magnolias Stage Play Script M. Butterfly A lively and colourful biography of Hollywood's first Superagent - and one of the most outrageous characters of the '60s and '70s - whose clients included Barbara Streisand, Faye Dunaway, Michael Caine and Anjelica Huston. Acclaimed biographer Brian Kellow spins.


Get your fingers

out of the icing.

Tommy Lee,

get your fingers

out of the frosting.


Wave those flags, son.

Get out of there!


Hit them again!

Get out of here!

Get out of them

trees, damn it!


[Bang Bang]

Yeah! Get 'em!

Migrate south,

will you?



Three more radios

for you, Shelby.

Not now, Tommy.

Mama, this nail polish

is drying way too dark.

Practically paint my foot.

Looks like a stuck pig

bled all over my hands.

I'm sure I have

something that will do.

Oh, no.

It has

to be delicate.

If I don't

have something,

I will send your brothers

to get delicate pink

nail polish.

Mama, there's...

Just a minute.

Great idea, Mama.

I'd love to see what the boys

would pick out.

Delivery man!

Someone stop that truck!

Stop that...


Don't put ice

down my back!

You should have

drowned them at birth.


See if you can get this.

Mama, my nails are wet.




Would you look

at those, please?

Myrtle, hi.


Hold on, please.

I'm going to get you

right now!


Drum, sweetheart,

I'm on the phone!


Stop that now!

I can't hear myself think!


Myrtle, the champagne glasses,

they're all broken.



[Television Plays]

Spud, turn off

that stupid television.

Get in here and finish

dyeing theseeaster eggs.

I ran out of stuff.

That's why God

invented the A&P.

I got to work

on the truck.

No. You got

to get the lead out.

Yes, ma'am.

I live to serve.

If those eggs are not

at the church by noon,

they don't get hidden.

[Door Slams]

Are you listening

to me, Spud?

Mrs. Jones?

Are you Annelle?

Oh, you sweet thing.

Come on in.

Excuse me.

And pick up my green dress

at the cleaners!

Am I interrupting


No. I'm just screaming

at my husband.

I can do that anytime.

Please, call me Truvy.

Truvy. Thank you.

Mama, look at this.

This was in

the hall closet.

What is it?

Steel Magnolias Play Script Online


Tommy says

Jonathan's planning

to cover the honeymoon

getaway car with these.

Please stop him!

Keep your voice down.

Keep your voice...


Boys, I want

Steel Magnolias Play Script Act 2

to talk to you.

Tommy. Jonathan!


Jonathan, don't you

decorate your sister's car

with condoms!

It's tacky!

It's like talking

to a brick wall.


If he's trying

to drive me crazy,

it's too late.

There must be a better way

to get rid of those birds.

We could cut down

all our trees

or change

the migratory patterns

of NorthAmerican birds.

You told him

to get rid of them.

I had no idea

he would alienate

the entire neighborhood.

The neighborhood

would be more alienated

if they got covered

in bird sh*t

at my reception.

Pretty talk.

You have to be so crude?




I see a hole.

Yeah. I was hoping

you'd catch that.

It's a little bit pouffier

than I wouldnormally do,

but I'm nervous.

Oh, I'm not worried

about that.

I usually wrap

my entire head in toilet paper

Steel Magnolias Funeral Scene Script

when I go to bed,

so it gets

pretty smooshed down

in that process, anyway.

In my class

at the trade school,

I was number one

in frosting

and streaking.

I did my own.


That's good.

And I can usually

spot a bottle job

at 20 paces.

Your technique

is really good.


I think your form and content

will improve with time.

So, best I can tell, young lady,

you've just landedyourself a job.

Oh! Great!

Oh, thank you!

Oh, thank you,

Miss Truvy.

No time for thanks

this morning.

We'll be busier than

a one-armed paper hanger.


Let me help you.

Steel Magnolias Film Script

I got it.

Steel Magnolias Pdf

You got hairs and fuzzies